Learning Intensity: Enterprise Education That Lasts
The kinds of big challenges organizations face today require intense enterprise learning, the kind of focused and impactful employee education that delivers a deep and lasting impact on organizational performance. For CLOs, that means making smarter choices with resources, investing in technology and systems that deliver maximum impact while maintaining the critical agility to change direction and focus when needed. Join Chief Learning Officer magazine at the Spring 2015 CLO Symposium as we explore innovative approaches to create learning that delivers results that last.
Since its inception in 2004, the CLO Symposium has become the most respected live-conference event for learning leaders – those corporate executives who oversee learning and development initiatives for their enterprises’ workforce, customer, suppliers and partners. With an agenda built by the editors ofChief Learning Officer magazine, the CLO Symposium has evolved into the preferred meeting place for learning executives and their corporate peers. What began as a conference has quickly become a community.