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Navisense Pilots At-The-Edge AI Technology With Lamacchia Group and Vivalociti

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Navisense Pilots At-The-Edge AI Technology With Lamacchia Group and Vivalociti
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The Challenge:

LaMACCHIA Group and Vivalociti bank and credit union clients didn’t have imperative data to give tailored customer service to each branch location.

The Solution:

NaViSense from Sharp/NEC was deployed to provide data-backed by computer vision, a type of AI technology that collects anonymous customer attributes that offer a flexible source of analytics, such as estimated age, people traffic, wait time, logos and more.

The Result:

Those locations with NaviSense deployed were able to collect data that helped inform content creation decisions and messaging strategy and targeting based on engagement with content. The result was more satisfactory engagement from customers - leading to meaningful conversations and, ultimately, higher cross selling of products and service.

The Background:

LaMACCHIA Group and Vivalociti is a full-service strategic consultative, design-build, and data solutions partner firm that works exclusively with financial institutions. The firm does everything from helping clients assess where to establish branches to what type of technology they should deploy in each location. Then LaMACCHIA helps clients integrate that technology and display the right content on their screens. LaMACCHIA has helped transform over 130 bank and credit union corporate centers and branches to elevate the customer experience. In 2022, LaMACCHIA began deploying NaViSense from Sharp/NEC in various client locations. NaViSense helped clients analyze data and insights they couldn’t rely on before. The new technology and information allowed each branch to provide a better customer experience.

Missing Necessary Data:

Overall, after deploying NaViSense, LaMACCHIA Group and Vivalociti found that the banks and credit unions didn’t always have the necessary data to give appropriate customer service within each branch location.

Tim Klatt, the Director of Retail Strategies says, “Historically, they really just don’t know what’s going on inside the branches outside of total numbers on how many accounts were opened, how many transactions were conducted, and how many employees are in the space. NaViSense has really given us a sense of knowing who is there and how each branch can serve that customer base better. NaViSense provides this sense of a knowledge of who’s in the space and allows the branch to tailor the environment and provide feedback that is much more appropriate to the people in the space, and ideally, provide better customer service.”

Tom Kennedy, President of the LaMACCHIA Group, says, “The biggest result is knowledge. It tells [the branch] something, right? It tells them something they don’t know and, complemented with our data-driven location strategies, makes something powerful and beneficial for their customers and members.”

Utilizing the Added Value

NaViSense gathers and processes anonymous customer attributes using off-the-shelf or existing camera sources and edge computing devices such as RPi4. This cost-effective technology also collects the dwell time of people in front of a display, as well as a variety of other attributes, such as their estimated age and gender, the brand of clothing they are wearing, traffic trends, and more. The information collected by NaViSense has added value in that it is being used by LaMACCHIA Group and Vivalociti to improve the customer experience and enhance decision-making at the banks and credit union branches, as well as in numerous other settings.

Kennedy says, “To find a stable, accessible platform to drive this two-way data in an actual branch situation in a meaningful way has not been present before.”

Klatt says, “I think NaViSense solves a pain point for our customers that is tied around lack of knowledge. As a company that likes to try new things, this is exactly in our wheelhouse, and is something we see a need for. And if we can help shape that need to be more effective for our industry and also for other industries, I think that’s something we can get really excited about.”