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Event Source

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Event Source
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Event Source

The headquarters for Event Source, a Cleveland-area business specializing in renting equipment for corporate and private events, is comprised of a mix of cubicles and private office space; and as with many office spaces, noise distractions and lack of speech privacy were concerns. 

Office management fielded complaints from workers regarding too much noise from cross talk in the open office area, making it difficult for them to concentrate. Additionally, there was concern that conversations in private offices and conference rooms could be overheard in other areas of the office. 


Event Source management found that sound masking, the process of adding a low-level, unobtrusive background sound to an environment, might be a viable option for them. The masking noise, specifically tuned to the frequency and amplitude of human speech, “masks” excess speech noise, making the environment more comfortable, private, and free of noise distractions. 

Event Source’s telecom provider, Axiom Solutions, suggested utilizing QtPro™ from Biamp, the world’s leading provider of sound masking solutions.

QtPro™ could provide sound masking that was uniform, scalable, and which integrated well with the architectural features of the office. Axiom Solutions installed the barely visible Qt® Emitters (loudspeakers) throughout the space’s open ceiling, which were then connected by cables to an intuitive Qt® 600 control module rack mounted in the server room.


Now that the system is operational, employees don’t notice the masking sounds; but they do notice that the office is noticeably quieter and more comfortable. “With sound masking, I’m no longer distracted by conversations that aren’t intended for me. They just fade into the background,” said Arthur Boilanger, a help desk specialist. “This allows me to be much more productive at work.”  

Since the original install, Event Source underwent a complete office renovation, including expanded sound masking coverage within the space.